I found this book to meet all my needs. MLA in-text citation style uses the authors last name and the page number from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken, for example: (Smith 163). The material in the textbook is consistent throughout the text. I did not become aware of any major issues. The book provides a chapter corresponding to the material of most major Psychology textbooks (with the added bonus of being a free resource). The authors often wrote in a convoluted way that made it more difficult to grasp the concepts. Book is very comprehensive - a little too detailed, compared to the text I currently use! Psychology 2e. Care also seems to have been taken to include images of people from various cultures and backgrounds. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The book does a good job of covering the main areas of psychology. For an Introduction to Psychology course, I think that this textbook provides a very thorough and comprehensive overview of a lot of topics in the field, all of which are important for students to take away from the course. Any help you can offer would be great. I like that you can click on the chapter name and be immediately brought to it. Select the book you wish to cite. As far as open texts go, I really feel as if this is one of the better options available. The textbook is sufficiently comprehensive for use in a traditional 4-yr college where most intro PSYC students are in their first or second year. The chapter on Sensation and Perception, for example, is missing quite a bit of information in the areas on taste and smell. Unknown Author If the work does not have an author, cite the source by its title in the signal phrase or use the first word or two in the parentheses. The text is designed to have flexibility to reorganize and select sections of the text, yet retain its flow from section to section. The feedback from students, including high school students who use this book in their high school psychology class, has consistently been positive. I did not notice any significant violations in the way various cultures were represented in this text. The fact that textbooks are not perfect is an important reason why instructors still play a critical role in the classroom. Unfortunately many of these appear quite stereotyped - Manuel the fast food restaurant manager, Joaquin the soccer player. My comments are limited mainly to the chapters on which I most regularly teach entire courses, research methods, biopsychology and learning. The Introduction chapter contains sections about Women in Psychology, Multicultural and Feminist Psychology. > The book covers most of the things an introductory textbook normally covers, but is a bit light in some areas. Open Access Textbooks I am less visually engaged with this textbook than the current text that I use. However, once the early chapters have been covered, the chapter order can easily be changed; most chapters can be taught without relying on concepts and information from previous chapters. The interface of this textbook allows for learning in several formats, which can accommodate for students unique learning styles and desires in accessing their textbook. After completing his doctoral studies, he decided to start "ScienceOxygen" as a way to share his passion for science with others and to provide an accessible and engaging resource for those interested in learning about the latest scientific discoveries. At first I had a negative perception of open resources as texts that were thrown together without much care or organization. Among the students who provided feedback on this book during the pilot course, the writing being 'dense' or difficult to understand was the primary complaint. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders. How do you cite OpenStax textbook in sociology? I appreciate the work that has been invested into this open source text and will seriously consider using the text in the future. I recognize that my students may also go deeper on their own because of these access points. Reviewed by Marijana Sapina-Kerkhove, Psychology Instructor, Middlesex Community College on 6/14/20, This book is as comprehensive as most Introduction to Psychology textbook and addresses all areas of psychology commonly taught in this course. Click "View Online" from under the Get the book heading 5. Instead, I use a synonym. This textbook addresses everything that is covered in a typical Introduction to Psychology course. Psychology 2e (2nd edition). OpenStax (2020). The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological . The book also includes a helpful index with a majority of key terms in psychology. Move Dig Deeper title from 538 to 539. In this comparison, a point to highlight is that research has shown there is little substantiated evidence that suggests females morally reason differently compared to males. Although I haven't personally contacted OpenStax directly, I have heard they are good about accepting recommendations and making adjustments for future versions which is great! There were terms that the book used that I typically don't use. I questioned this Stanford-centric approach for a general population of students. A lot of the content will stand the test of time as it consists of historical studies and schools of thought, theories, principles and anatomy that will remain consistent. This said, for an introductory text, it addresses timeless concepts well (e.g., classical and operant conditioning, memory, etc. Additionally, the textbook is accessible online, where students can highlight material and add notes in the textbook with ease. This is mitigated well with the frequent use of headings, subheadings, and pedagogical breaks in the text, which allows for readability to continue without seeming to drone on. Some concepts were vague, but expanding on topics past a certain extent isn't always the textbooks responsibility. 2020-08-03T08:44:24-05:00 However, the textbook does focus on traditional western psychology. I think the places where relevance / longevity might be an issue in this text are places where content is too brief (e.g., missing newer thinking on addiction). The "Dig Deeper" components in each chapter nicely prompt readers to critically evaluate the discussed concepts. Dig Deeper delves below the surface of what a text may traditionally cover due to space and time available. Follow the same formatting that was used in the works cited list, such as quotation marks. To my knowledge, the text contains no grammatical errors. 1 online resource (757 pages) : "Psychology is designed for the single-semester introduction to psychology course."--Page 6. The examples provided were based on enduring social issues that can be analyzed. Organization was great. Open Stax Psychology 2e LN01 Resources University Houston Community College Course Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1300 ) Uploaded by AL Alexis Lujan Academic year2021/2022 Helpful? The index is accessible, and key terms are defined at the end of each chapter. The slides are generally aligned to OpenStax Psychology, but the materials is specific to . Title of work: Subtitle if applicable. The text is well-written and contains relevant and interesting material. In general, this Psychology textbook is comprehensive. read more. Students reported finding the summary sections to be especially helpful as a quick overview of the chapter. One thing I did notice while clicking on a link that talked about jobs in psychology made the rating lower than a 5. More information could also be added to images (example, the image of brain hemispheres only shows one hemisphere, and nothing else. All Creative Commons (CC) attributions should have the same basic information: In the shortest caption allowed by the above, you would put: caption: Title [hyperlinked to source] (c)Creator, License information [hyperlinked]. The writing does not contain distracting grammatical errors. I teach a one-semester comprehensive into psych course. I work at a small Tribal College and being able to find a high quality OER textbook for the Introductory Psychology course has very much benefited my students. I also think the text is written in a way that will hold up over time. I feel the amount of material in the book is too much for a one semester introductory course, but that allows instructors to pick and choose the sections they feel are most important. 255 0 obj <> endobj 268 0 obj <>stream A project created by ISKME. Interface was clear of any disruption. All of the major classic findings from Psychology (Gestalt principles, Classical conditioning, Operant conditioning, Conformity, Obedience to authority, etc.) OpenStaxCollege is your group author. Book title. Review questions, discussions of interesting applications, and life application questions all seem very helpful. 4, where I could use more information on why we sleep as explained by a restorative theory. eed help ail supportopenstax.org /openstax openstax Your instructor has selected a book that is available completely free online and for low cost in print from your campus bookstore and Amazon.com. Perhaps this is meant to capitalize on the lay idea students will have about in-born behavior, however the term instinct is never defined but rather described as something different and more complex than a reflex. In-text citations were scarce. Content is up-to-date and seems easy to update. (There isn't anything to mention between ID and pathology? For sources with no date use n.d. (for no date) in place of the year: (Smith, n.d.). The topic progression is logical and fairly standard. There are some chapters that mention culture but do not explain well the cultural influence. I believe the text can be easily restructured to create a more personalized course. Some of my students purchased the low-cost printed version of the text and did not report any issues either. I really liked the inclusion of links to relevant external sites and videos throughout the text. Here's a sample Reference Citation for the OpenStax Biology 2e textbook: Clark, M. A., Douglas, M., & Choi, J. Content is also up-to-date by relying on current information throughout the pedagogical features such as Everyday Connections, What do you think?, Dig Deeper, and Connect the Concepts. This book is easy to navigate. I did not find any glaring examples of biased information. See Bergh,et al, 1997, De Castro et al, 1997, Comings, et al, 1996, Linnet, et al, 2012, and Anselme and Robinson, et al. However, there are not embedded links to take you to the answer key (end of chapter 16) nor to the references (after the answer key). There are frequent headings as well as sub-headings. The chapters are written in similar fashion and all begin with an Introduction, several reading sections with defined learning outcomes, Key Terms, Summary, Review Questions, Critical Thinking Questions and Personal Application Questions. Areas where accuracy could be improved were in Chapter 9 on Lifespan Development. What Is Industrial and Organizational Psychology? Very clear and to the point. Title of work: Subtitle if applicable. The only error Ive encountered in the text is in the learning chapter, under the Punishment subheading. (2020). There are some chapters that have a lot more keywords than others (e.g., Biopsychology is pretty heavy on keywords) but that was my only minor observation in terms of inconsistency. This book does virtually everything one would want an intro psych book to do, hitting all the major content areas within Psychology, including I/O psych (something of a rarity). As another example, the authors define practical intelligence as "street smarts." The book is visually appealing with crisp resolution. Create a standalone learning module, lesson, assignment, assessment or activity, Submit OER from the web for review by our librarians, Please log in to save materials. The text is written in an infinitely readable fashion. Being Culturally Responsive has been a topic for many years and I would be surprised if Open Resource sites werent culturally responsive. I did not find any grammatical errors. Disruption was very minimal, if any. The Citation Builder is based on the following citation manuals: American Psychological Association 6th edition Modern Language Association 7th edition Modern Language Association 8th edition Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition Council of Science Editors Citation Management Tools The terms agonist, antagonist, and re-uptake inhibitor are introduced but only two examples provided. There were a number of subsections that were written to highlight the experiences of non-majority members. This textbook does a great job to cover major theories, practices, concepts, historical figures, and even related contemporary events on all of the major themes in psychology. It is easy to follow for the reader with sections of text broken into sections of text with each section addressing a main concept of the chapter, with illustrations included within those sections that reinforce the concepts being addressed. Clarity wise, the textbook is excellent. The text covers all of the recommended APA Introduction to Psychology chapters and includes additional chapters not covered in most Introductory Psychology texts (Industrial and Readability Score- Adopting a textbook that is well written and readable to the majority of the students is a critical task as an educator. William Jenkins, Mercer University Modularity was great. The text is sensitive, inclusive, and culturally relevant. The components/chapters are easily stand-alone chapters and could be presented in any order. Written in a clear, accessible way, this text is suitable for introductory psychology courses and the diverse student populations they serve. Home As mentioned above in Clarity, this is a predictable text in regards to its structure. You don't see that module in many introductory texts. I think they should have named and defined the concept first and then followed up with an example. Reviewed by Ashley Elliott, Instructor of Psychology, Oakland City University on 1/14/19, The text is comprehensive and provides information that is comparable to a typical Introductory Psychology textbook. However there is no good explanation that how data are collected is the key between association and causal claims. Pedagogy tools that I see value in were housed in interactive prompts that invited student inquiry. However, I was dismayed to find that the table of contents did not always include titles for all the sections. The organization of the text follows a clear and logical progression that is similar to most other introductory textbooks. The copyright date should be located there. And, I've not seen any. Based on the five passages and the use of 8 readability formulas, the text was scored at high school 11th grade to college graduate. OpenStax Psychology Lecture Slides. I appreciated the focus on gender and sexual minorities, but like many texts, felt that there was a greater need in terms of research/information specifically affecting ethnic minorities. Other than that, I was unable to find much in the way of errors. Citation Style Guides. OpenStax. There are no image, chart, table, or other graphical distortions present. With one exception of Organizational Psychology, most chapters appeared in the exact order that other books would have listed them. I commonly have experiential exercise expectations in my 200-400 level courses. Reviewed by Dennis Schell, Assistant Professor of Psychology, The George Washington University on 2/19/21, The book [we are using the first edition] covers the basics often seen in traditional psychology textbooks used in General Psychology courses. That to me is a plus. The overall structure of the chapters is convenient. I often found large proportions of those texts to be irrelevant and felt that it was unfair to spend hundreds of dollars per semester on something that was going to become quickly outdated and irrelevant. Dr. Rose Spielman has been teaching psychology and working as a licensed clinical psychologist for 20 years. Where further elaboration or deconstruction is necessary, the authors use already established concepts/vocabulary to further understanding. I think that there are opportunities for the text to be even more inclusive in its language and images and examples, etc. It provides an excellent OER alternative to any standard textbook, without students having to worry about exorbitant fees, access codes, etc. The text often references Positive Psychology concepts and themes, it use current terminology, and includes a chapter on Industrial Organizational Psychology. read more. There does not seem to be an author and I'm struggling with formatting my citation for APA. The text covers all of the recommended APA Introduction to Psychology chapters and includes additional chapters not covered in most Introductory Psychology texts (Industrial and Organizational Psych). (Year). Author Lastname, Author First Initial(s). this text may have been written by a team of authors which may have contributed to this. Students have commented on the convenience of having the search feature and online glossary which are both easily accessible. Additionally, it appears that updates/changes can quickly be made to the online text. Feel free to remix the content by assigning your students certain chapters and sections in your syllabus, in the order that you prefer. Many areas in the text explicitly recognize the influence of culture on the science of Psychology (e.g., 11.8 Cultural Understandings of Personality). Content outside of my expertise is accurate to my knowledge. Very concise and to the point. There is just the right amount of detail provided throughout each chapter. Is OpenStax a publisher or Rice University? The links appeared to work, and the images were not distorted. I may even create an assignment where students evaluate sections of the text so it offers an educational opportunity, though probably not one the authors intended when writing. However, I think the clear headings/sub-headings make it easy enough to divide up the material as needed. How do you cite a book with no Publisher in APA? On a small note, the pictures were updated so they should last for a couple of years without seeming completely outdated like some other texts. I did find an error message when I clicked on the Personal Application questions #49 in the Social Psychology chapter. The printed version is also printed in a clear font, easy to read and organized appropriately. The majority of the questions are interesting and thought provoking. I have been teaching Introductory Psychology for about 30 years. It is clear that there was a significant amount of work invested in this book, and it shows. To be honest I was surprised by the comprehensiveness of this textbook. I want my students to be aware of Deaf culture/identity (What do you think box), but the word "deaf" with a lowercase "d" means an audiological condition, while the word, "Deaf" with an uppercase "D" expresses Deaf culture. Psychology, within the parameters of OER, is one of the most affordable and in my opinion, one of the most authoritative alternatives to an introductory psychology trade book on the market. One particular example is the use of Trayvon Martins murder in the introduction of the Social Psychology chapter. This textbook does not contain distorted images or figures. My Account | Yes to consistency. Images are easily viewable. The average score based on five different passages was. The embedded links made travel though a large number of pages quite easy. Accessibility Statement. It is designed and organized in the same way as a traditional introductory textbook. The layout is not confusing or rambling but straightforward and concise. There is some referral back to previous chapters but not to a degree that the earlier material is necessary. bc9LJdyGyZM I is structured very much in accordance with typical general psychology texts. In some instances, I feel that the addition of multiple perspectives, additional examples, more information, or critical evaluation of theories and studies may improve accuracy. I did not detect inaccuracies or biases. In contrast, African Americans were mentioned 42 times, Latinos and Hispanics were mentioned 26 times (combined) and yet spirituality was only mentioned 12 times in the whole book and most of those are in the last chapter. I found this text to be very readable and engaging. Psychology 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. Textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to many psychological concepts for an introduction course. The internal consistency of the textbook is strong, as each chapter begins with clear learning objectives and engaging examples and concludes with a comprehensive summary and reading questions. This book is used in our Principles of Psychology course and provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of Psychology. Rice University, O. If you are looking for less traditional chapters, such as gender and human sexuality, you will not find those in this book, but should consider using supplemental material or incorporating these other topics throughout the chapters currently available in this book. My only concern was that the chapter on personality seemed to spend a great deal of time discussing psychoanalytic/psychodynamic approaches that are less relevant now than they were in their heyday, which I supposed can be chalked up to tradition (as every introductory psychology book does this). Of course, I was happy that my students did not have to pay for their textbook. Psychology 2e is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license, which means that you can distribute, remix, and build upon the content, as long as you provide attribution to OpenStax and its content contributors. Students will also appreciate the purpose and function of the DSM V in comparison to the diagnostic quality of ICD. Modifying the organization and assigning reading sections to students would be a very simple task for instructors. The other major error had to do with an incorrect example of negative punishment. I appreciate that the authors sought to bring attention to cultural factors in almost every chapter. The language of the text is generally approachable to most beginning undergraduate students. In other words, the universality of principles in psychology are being questioned. In What Do You Think?, research based information is presented and allows space for students to share their thoughts on controversial topics such as Being hired at Hooters Bar and (BFOQ laws). Designated Chapter sections could be skipped by providing the reader with the information: "You are not responsible for section 15:10 as we cover Ch 15 Psychological Disorders. This textbook should be an excellent alternative as the content focus is highly similar to PsychSmart. If the source does not use page numbers, do not include a number in the parenthetical citation: (Smith). In this way the book manages to be consistent without being predictable. This video covers the eleventh chapter of the Openstax Psychology textbook - Personality. The book is easy to read. The textbook, now in its second edition, has undergone multiple review processes to improve accuracy over time. Without being able to jump to the different sections, I find the interface to be frustrating and I feel I could find the information faster in a hard copy. read more. The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework. The content of the book is also consistent with the content covered in other introduction to psychology texts. Psychology Psychology questions and answers Select the correct citation format for the textbook used in this course. If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a print format, One chapter stands out that is not commonly included is Chapter 13, Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Students do not need to read the chapters in order to understand the content, which promotes instructional freedom to assign readings in the order they think will be best for their classes. The organization also facilitates chapter outlining and note-taking. I know there are more details in Ch. The text covers all of the relevant APA recommended chapters in an approachable, well written, well illustrated text with online links to supplementary videos, podcasts, etc. Summary. ed.). I didn't find there to be any problems with navigating the chapters or accessing the links. The copyright date should be located there. I did end up supplementing this textbook with additional fresh-off-the-press videos and articles to ensure that students practice applying what they learn from the text to day-to-day situations (which are of course always evolving, especially as we've seen this past spring). Overall though, the text provides a nice overview of the field. In negative punishment, you remove an aversive stimulus to decrease behavior. To date no student (among the 800 who have used it) has commented on insensitive/offensive statements. The figures in the online version seem sharper, and the images arent distorted enough to confuse the reader. Reviewed by Deborah Cronin, Assistant Professor, Drake University on 12/1/22, This is a comprehensive textthere are topics I do not typically see covered in an introductory text (i.e., Industrial-Organizational Psychology) included along with the more typical topics (i.e., Development, Cognition, Learning). Sections on stereotyping and prejudice are included in the chapter on social psychology. All major areas, theories and concepts are examined thoroughly. It is inviting to read and considers how the reader may learn best with headings and questions at the end of each chapter as well as the activities it provides for learners who excel at hands on activities. The Links to Learning are a wonderful addition to the text, providing rich information to complement and enhance the material presented in the text in a fun, easily accessible manner. I can't quite decide if this text is comprehensive enough or if it is too brief for my liking. The index was excellent. Although some may say this is also what makes it very much like a boring read, I disagree as the content is easily digestible and supported with interesting examples. The text does not seem to include any intentional instances of culturally insensitive content. For those that are teaching an introductory course in which group discussion is possible, the "What Do You Think" components can be used to prompt student-student conversation: discussion may ensue that helps to expand understanding of concepts and thus, increases the comprehensiveness of this text. OpenStax. The text is extremely internally consistent. The organization of the chapters into sections makes it easy for instructors to assign smaller reading sections if desired. With the exception of the 1st three chapters, there is great flexibility in the order of chapter presentation and in the selection of particular chapter sections. Ethics in law enforcement. The text is easily and readily divisible into smaller reading sections that can be assigned at different points within the course. Owing to the great deal of modularity this text affords (see above) this is an easy enough change to make. It also seems dismissive of different spiritual beliefs.

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